Sunday 14 March 2010

Other Peoples Money

Whats Your Opinion?

This Blog has been set up to discuss the Strategy and Principles
of 'OPM' - Other Peoples Money.

Whether you have never heard of this strategy;used this
strategy;been approached by someone to use this strategy
I want to hear from you.

OPM- Money borrowed as unsecured loans (e.g. Credit
Card), or contributed by smaller stockholders (shareholders).
Equated with its abbreviation's homonym (opium) in its
narcotic power on people who forget it is an obligation that
must be accounted for, and repaid in some way.

How do You see it?

Risk & Reward
Speculate to Accumulate
Its Governance
Due Diligence

I have been approached three times by affiliate marketers'
(back of house teams) to become 'mentored' in the ways of
the respective affiliate, 'guru'.

Devils Advocate Question
If I have already bought their 'top selling' product which
was sold to me on the basis of 'copy me and do this... to earn
your living online', why do I need to spend up to $15,000 to
be mentored on a personal level to do the same thing?

Answers to this Blog please...

I look forward to reading and responding to your questions,
answers & findings.


Matt Bland